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About Bounty
About Bounty
Is Bounty free?
Bounty is available to download for free and there is no fee to our users for getting paid for tasks. The only thing you need to do is, whenever you want to...
Is Bounty reliable?
Bounty is a mobile application founded by Twentify Technology in 2014. Since the day it was founded, it has served more than 200 brands operating in various...
Does Bounty access my personal information, files, photos, etc?
No, Bounty app only sees the information and documents you share with us for tasks. Other than that, Bounty does not access any of your information, documen...
What is Bounty’s business model? How do you make money as a company?
Bounty is a platform that brings together companies and consumers while enabling users to quickly and accurately complete various different tasks. At the en...
What is Bounty?
Nowadays, companies wish to gather insights on their consumers by collecting information quickly and accurately. These brands also need to ensure that their...
How can I contact Bounty?
You can contact us through
[email protected]
e-mail address. We will be happy to help you.