Each Friday is payday so you should notice the money in your account the very same day. If you do not notice the money in your account, first check if you have done a Payment Request then follow the steps below.
Did you check your Bank/PayPal account, for one last time?
Payment might be done by now, therefore, let’s check it again.
Can you please check the payment information you’ve shared with us?
Your payment account information should be right, therefore, please check it one more time to be sure about that. Usually, payment refusals can be received from banks due to incorrect or incomplete account information. You can see the reason why your payment was declined in the notifications section in the upper right corner of the application.
You’ve made your request before Friday, right?
We process payment requests on Fridays. If it’s been a Friday since your payment request and you still didn’t receive your payment, this might be an issue.
After your controls, and you couldn’t fix the problem still, please contact with us through [email protected].